
Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Outsourcing your Content Marketing Can Triple Your Sales - Free White Paper

Outsourcing your Content Marketing Can Triple Your Sales - Free White Paper

Did you know that outsourcing your content marketing
to a full-service online content marketing agency can:

  • dramatically improve your sales results,
  • triple your sales pipeline,
  • reduce the cost per lead by 75%,
  • have instant, measurable results of campaign effectiveness,
  • and deliver leads to the sales team in real-time?

Plus you can also:

  • avoid hiring and training marketing and technical staff,
  • avoid costly software and hardware investment, configuration, and administration,
  • avoid missed deadlines and inconsistent market presence,
  • and last but not least, no budget overruns.

The newest paper in the 2010 Online Lead Generation Series sponsored by WinGreen Marketing Systems is now available. Entitled Outsourced Content Marketing - Part I: Features and Benefits, this 14-page white paper is the first in a three part series that provides in-depth details about how content marketing works, its undeniable benefits, and the rationale for outsourcing.

or click here:

Don't miss the opportunity to learn:

  • The required components of content marketing
  • Deciding what parts to outsource
  • Financial justification
  • What to look for in a provider
  • and more