
Wednesday, December 2, 2009

WinGreen Marketing Systems 10 Minute Brief -- Chapter 1

Here's the first installment in a series of 10-minute briefs on WinGreen Marketing Systems and our WinGreen System of Marketing.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

21st Century Marketing for Effective Lead Generation

New white paper on 21st century lead generation tools and techniques for all industries.

21st Century Marketing.pdf

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

WinGreen Marketing Systems Now on YouNoodle

WinGreen Marketing Systems is now profiled in the online site for startup companies, YouNoodle. We hope you'll visit the site, comment on our business, tell the world how great we are, etc.

Friday, October 16, 2009

21st Century Marketing for the Cleantech Industries

Hi folks,

There is a new white paper available for no charge at Entitled 21st Century Marketing for the Cleantech Industries, it's a paper that lays out the differences between traditional marketing and digital marketing, along with tools, tips, and methods to generate a lot more sales leads at a much lower cost-per-lead.

This 18 page paper, authored by online marketing experts WinGreen Marketing Systems, provides the basic things you need to know in order to create a "21st Century Marketing Machine" for delivering a steady stream of quality leads to your sales people.

Readers of this white paper will learn:
  • Advantages of online marketing over traditional marketing methods
  • The differences between "interrupt" marketing and "opt-in" marketing
  • Principles of 21st century marketing
  • 21st century marketing tools
  • Economics and justification for digital lead generation
Cleantech companies are currently enjoying increasing investment, government support, and an exuberant social climate, but only the companies who can out-sell, out-market, and out-deliver their competitors will survive and thrive.

This paper is intended to help you get started with online lead generation that can yield 2X, 3X, even 10X as many new leads as traditional methods.

Generating Sales Leads with the WinGreen System of Marketing

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

WinGreen Marketing Systems Website Has Been Updated

We've undertaken an overhaul of the web site for WinGreen, as you can see if you visit us at All new graphics and layout. New service description pages. More details about what we do.

The main thing for us to get across is how The WinGreen System of Marketing can help you grow your businesses. We hope the new website makes it easier for you to find out more about WinGreen and what we can do for you.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Staying Disciplined in Marketing Campaigns

One of the things that often comes up when we discuss WinGreen Marketing Systems' business with potential clients is the observation "You're doing the things we know we should be doing, but we just can't seem to stay disciplined enough to stick to our plans and schedules". We talk to company presidents, CEO's, VP's of marketing, VP's of sales, and other execs, and time and time again we hear this common reaction. People love to tell us that they already know how to do what we do (and they're correct) but they have a devil of a time doing it.

I've been in marketing for over 20 years now. I've worked for computer companies, software companies, technology companies, and service companies -- always in the business-to-business realm -- and I've seen marketing evolve from the print-focused, mass marketing tactics of the 1980's to the "online literature" of early WWW marketing efforts in the 1990's to the "Google-ization" of the Web and of marketing in the 21st century. One thing that hasn't changed is the phenomenon of marketing organizations that simply don't stick to the discipline of a rigid calendar of campaigns, activities, and efforts. I'm sure it's true of all types of organizations. "
The best laid plans of mice and men go oft awry," wrote Robert Burns in 1785. We lay out our marketing calendars, we plan a campaign every month, perhaps a monthly email newsletter, maybe a mass email offer of a special industry report that goes out every third Thursday, but day-to-day business gets in our way. The report isn't completed on time, so it gets offered on the fourth Wednesday. The webcast we were supposed to do every other Tuesday slips because no one remembered to email out the promotions and invitations three weeks ahead of time. The monthly newsletter turns into every six weeks, then every other month, and eventually falls by the wayside. We've all experienced the way that perfect plans do not always lead to perfect execution.

This turns out to be one of the reasons we get hired by clean tech companies. They know what they're supposed to be doing in their marketing functions, but day-to-day distractions and demands keep them from executing. They hire us because consistent, repetitive, well-planned lead generation campaigns are all we do. They know we won't waver from the plan because (1) we're outside their organization so we're not pulled in multiple directions by the often competing demands from executives, sales, operations, finance, etc., and (2) we've built our WinGreen Marketing System into a true system, i.e. a perfectly meshed system of people, process, and technology performing the same consistent set of methods for many, many companies. We've scaled our system and our methods so that our account managers are executing the WinGreen System over and over again like clockwork, and it's like second nature to us.

Yes, our primary value propositions are:
  1. Significantly more quality business leads at significantly lower cost per lead than you can do on your own
  2. Manage headcount costs by outsourcing the lead generation function to WinGreen as your marketing agency
  3. Improved sales methods and workflow as the result of the WinGreen Marketing Systems Sales Enablement online tools.
but we're learning that our clients are also relying on us for a fourth important benefit: They can count on us to provide the discipline, the schedule, and the consistent, reliable execution necessary to keep lead generation on track, and this helps their internal organizations stay disciplined and work to predictable schedules.

We're here to help. Call us, email us, or visit to find out how we're helping companies dramatically increase the flow of new business prospects while reducing their lead generation costs.

Friday, July 17, 2009

WinGreen Marketing Systems - Your Champions for Clean Technologies

WinGreen Marketing Systems is an online marketing agency that provides lead generation and sales automation to companies in the renewable energy and smart grid industries. The company utilizes its proprietary WinGreen System to deliver a steady stream of high quality leads to its clients, along with an online subscription platform providing all the tools and technologies needed to manage leads from initial contact to closed sale. WinGreen Marketing Systems uses only the most modern digital marketing techniques like PPC, email marketing, opt-in marketing, drip marketing, Web marketing, Web visitor tracking, Web-to-lead automation, search engine marketing, and social media to dramatically increase the number of incoming quality leads while cutting cost-per-lead by 50%, 60%, 70% or more. WinGreen Marketing Systems’ clients enjoy the benefits of doubling, tripling, even quadrupling the incoming quality leads every month with no IT investment.

Learn more at or call us at 610.810.1707

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Pickens Plan Energy Independence Day Rallies and Video Contest

As a follow-on to my blog from the other day ("Independence Day"), see the Pickens Plan blog on what they're doing with rallies, etc. for "Energy Independence Day".

PickensPlan » Blog Archive » Energy Independence Day Rallies and Video Contest: "Energy Independence Day Rallies and Video Contest"

Friday, July 3, 2009

Independence Day

The upcoming U.S. holiday is usually called "The 4th of July", but its actual name is "Independence Day". Americans celebrate this holiday in remembrance of the country's declaration of independence from Great Britain on July 4, 1776. I think it's time we started to work toward a new "independence day" for the United States -- independence from reliance on foreign oil coming from areas of the world that are not as friendly, accomodating, or hospitable as Great Britain has become. Who knows? Maybe 200 years after independence from the OPEC nations, the U.S. and those OPEC countries in the middle east may become strong allies and friends once our oil company employees and military personnel have left those nations' sacred soils. The United States declared independence from Great Britain, fought two wars against them, and yet became the world's closest allies. Perhaps the religion-based violence, mistrust, and acrimony directed at the U.S. by the oil producing Middle East will disappear once our filthy infidel feet are off their soil thanks to American ingenuity rallying around energy independence.

I don't need to rehash why wars are fought over oil, or how the American economy is held hostage by the OPEC leaders (a group of people that include some who have not only extorted the American people with the greatest transfer of wealth in human history, but who also wish us harm because of their religious beliefs), or how the average American citizen's life would be changed by a world where American energy is generated by American companies with no reliance on any other government or organization for its lifeblood. Anyone reading this already knows how important it is for Americans to immediately and definitively accelerate an enormous move from oil based energy to American based energy sources, including solar, wind, hydro, and yes, even nuclear.

I'm advocating a ramp-up of the move from oil to American based energy sources. Our government is spending $787 billion of our money for some sort of "recovery". Folks, that's about $200,000 for every unemployed person in the U.S.!!!* (Why didn't they just send checks for $100,000 to every unemployed person. You want to see stimulus? Wait 'til you see the spending that an unemployed person who was making $42,000 a year will do after receiving a check from Uncle Sam for one hundred grand!) Part of this money is set aside for stimulating the build-out of an infrastructure to deliver non-oil energy to Americans. I would NEVER advocate handouts of any sort, but now that the new quasi-socialist government is in place against my wishes, I would like to at least have that spending pointed more at things that will have long-term, lasting economic effect (e.g. American-based energy sources) than for things that will not (e.g. $200M for designing and furnishing the Homeland Security headquarters -- see

Stimulus or not, a new generation of companies creating electricity and motive energy from sources other than oil needs to emerge now. It only took about 20 years for big oil to get big, once Henry Ford created the demand. The oil companies of the 1910-1930 period managed to build an ecosystem (ironic term) with exploration, wells, shipping, refineries, distribution, and millions of gasoline pumps located where people could get to them in just 20 years. We keep hearing how today's society moves so much faster. Is it unreasonable to think that the profit motive, the patriotic motive, the very real national defense motive, and all of our modern technology together can create a mass move to American energy independence in 20 years?

For our part, here at WinGreen Marketing Systems, we're devoting all of our efforts to helping clean tech, renewable energy, and smart grid developers, manufacturers, and service providers grow their businesses. We're not engineers. We can't figure out how to turn kelp into electricity. We don't know the first thing about photovoltaics, windmill blade pitch, or geo-thermal generation. What we do know is how to market and sell. Our commitment to the new American Independence Day is to use our years of experience in marketing, databases, online presence, and sales enablement to help the companies who are developing new technologies find new customers and find them fast.

Do you know someone in an early-stage alternative energy company that could use some assistance getting their products sold? We know how to deliver a steady stream of new business prospects, track follow-up progress, and make the marketing and sales process work efficiently. Call Don at 619.818.3533 from the West, or Tom at 610.505.6887 from the East to learn more, or visit us at

*Economists consider 4% unemployment to be a practical "zero unemployment", as there is always transition in good times and bad, and there are also perpetually unemployable people. The current 8% unemployment is therefore 4% above "zero". With 100 million workers in the U.S., that's 4 million employees and want to work and are able to work, but can't find work. 787 billion divided by 4 million is $196,750 for every worker that is displaced by this recession.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Manufacturing must get control of power costs before caps lift in 2011

PA manufactures need a strong plan to combat the coming increases in energy bills in 2011. If you want to know how to get started, attend the "Sustainability - People, Planet, Profit" Summit hosted by the Delaware Valley Industrial Resource Center at Whitemarsh County Club in Lafayette Hill, PA on Wednesday June 24th from 4:30 to 8:30. WinGreen Marketing Systems will be in attendance to hear about the state and federal government programs that can help us all.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

WinGreen Marketing Systems

WinGreen Marketing Systems website is up and running. We'll certainly be adding considerably to our Web presence over the coming weeks, so make sure to bookmark us and visit us to keep up with our improvements.


Monday, June 15, 2009

Promote Yourself and Your Career by Becoming a WinGreen Author

Are you an expert in renewable energy topics? Are you looking for ways to have your expertise and knowledge recognized widely? VERY widely? Do you want to have your original articles, research papers, and other insight distributed to tens of thousands of people interested in renewable energy topics, posted to leading blogs, promoted through the leading renewable energy publications, and visible to literally millions of people?

WinGreen Marketing Systems is looking for experts in renewable energy to author short articles (typically 1000 words) and white papers to be used by WinGreen's clients. Our clients will use your materials to promote their renewable energy products. A typical client will promote 10 to 25 white papers per year, to anywhere from 10,000 to 500,000 potential readers. Your opinions, know-how, and point of view will be read by thousands of people, and your reputation as an expert will grow exponentially.

As your papers and articles get more widely read, you will find yourself in demand by trade media for your point of view, and by potential employers and investors.

Contact us by emailing with a synopsis of your background and expertise. Writing samples would be much appreciated.

WinGreen Marketing Systems is On the Air!

Welcome, friends! WinGreen Marketing Systems, LLC is on the air in the blogosphere. Check back regularly, set us up on your RSS reader, subscribe to this blog. If you're a company developing and selling renewable energy products and/or services to commercial and public sector customers, you'll want to stay in tune with what we have to say.

So let's begin!

Don Montgomery and Tom Walklett
Managing Partners
WinGreen Marketing Systems, LLC

About WinGreen Marketing Systems, LLC
WinGreen Marketing Systems provides marketing and lead generation services to manufacturers and service providers in the renewable energy industry. The company's integrated online marketing platform includes campaign management, industry-specific marketing assets (e.g. webcast content, white papers, newsletter templates, podcasts), email marketing, Web-based marketing and advertising, Web analytics, Web visitor tracking, sales force automation, and customer relationship management. Delivered through a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) model, WinGreen's marketing automation technology is coupled tightly with the company's proven lead-to-sale process and supported by account managers who provide personalized marketing consulting. The result is a comprehensive marketing system that delivers predictable, consistent, repeatable outcomes and a steady stream of quality leads.
