
Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Staying Disciplined in Marketing Campaigns

One of the things that often comes up when we discuss WinGreen Marketing Systems' business with potential clients is the observation "You're doing the things we know we should be doing, but we just can't seem to stay disciplined enough to stick to our plans and schedules". We talk to company presidents, CEO's, VP's of marketing, VP's of sales, and other execs, and time and time again we hear this common reaction. People love to tell us that they already know how to do what we do (and they're correct) but they have a devil of a time doing it.

I've been in marketing for over 20 years now. I've worked for computer companies, software companies, technology companies, and service companies -- always in the business-to-business realm -- and I've seen marketing evolve from the print-focused, mass marketing tactics of the 1980's to the "online literature" of early WWW marketing efforts in the 1990's to the "Google-ization" of the Web and of marketing in the 21st century. One thing that hasn't changed is the phenomenon of marketing organizations that simply don't stick to the discipline of a rigid calendar of campaigns, activities, and efforts. I'm sure it's true of all types of organizations. "
The best laid plans of mice and men go oft awry," wrote Robert Burns in 1785. We lay out our marketing calendars, we plan a campaign every month, perhaps a monthly email newsletter, maybe a mass email offer of a special industry report that goes out every third Thursday, but day-to-day business gets in our way. The report isn't completed on time, so it gets offered on the fourth Wednesday. The webcast we were supposed to do every other Tuesday slips because no one remembered to email out the promotions and invitations three weeks ahead of time. The monthly newsletter turns into every six weeks, then every other month, and eventually falls by the wayside. We've all experienced the way that perfect plans do not always lead to perfect execution.

This turns out to be one of the reasons we get hired by clean tech companies. They know what they're supposed to be doing in their marketing functions, but day-to-day distractions and demands keep them from executing. They hire us because consistent, repetitive, well-planned lead generation campaigns are all we do. They know we won't waver from the plan because (1) we're outside their organization so we're not pulled in multiple directions by the often competing demands from executives, sales, operations, finance, etc., and (2) we've built our WinGreen Marketing System into a true system, i.e. a perfectly meshed system of people, process, and technology performing the same consistent set of methods for many, many companies. We've scaled our system and our methods so that our account managers are executing the WinGreen System over and over again like clockwork, and it's like second nature to us.

Yes, our primary value propositions are:
  1. Significantly more quality business leads at significantly lower cost per lead than you can do on your own
  2. Manage headcount costs by outsourcing the lead generation function to WinGreen as your marketing agency
  3. Improved sales methods and workflow as the result of the WinGreen Marketing Systems Sales Enablement online tools.
but we're learning that our clients are also relying on us for a fourth important benefit: They can count on us to provide the discipline, the schedule, and the consistent, reliable execution necessary to keep lead generation on track, and this helps their internal organizations stay disciplined and work to predictable schedules.

We're here to help. Call us, email us, or visit to find out how we're helping companies dramatically increase the flow of new business prospects while reducing their lead generation costs.

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