
Friday, April 13, 2012

New Updated Marketing Resource Center Now Published

The new Prospecting For Gold marketing resource center is up and running at Here you'll find white papers, on-demand webinars, and other useful content to assist you in maximizing your marketing results.  

Make sure to visit the Prospecting For Gold Resource Center on a regular basis to keep up with the best information on topics related to marketing, lead generation,, content marketing, and email marketing. 

Thursday, March 15, 2012

White Paper Resource Center -- WinGreen Marketing Systems

Resource Center -- WinGreen Marketing Systems

Resource Center                                                                                                                                                     
Looking for tips on maximizing the results of your sales campaigns?
Putting together online lead generation capabilities and don't know where to start?
Looking for research to justify a business case for outsourcing lead generation?
Looking for ways to increase sales?

We've created this resource center as a repository of white papers, webcasts, podcasts, presentations, scraps of paper, post-it notes, and cocktail napkins that help you implement and maximize online lead generation, and (2) We've created this company, put all of the software together in the cloud, hired the people, gone through months of configuration and vendor negotiations, and created a comprehensive, turnkey lead generation service so that, frankly, you don't need to! 

We invite you to take advantage of a free, 15-minute consultation by clicking here to contact us (or just call us at 610-810-1707).   Or, if you still want to learn how to do it yourself, we're happy to help, and we hope you find all of the information below or in our archives to be informative and useful.

White Paper - Seven Ways That Content Marketing Improves Lead Generation Results

White Paper - Seven Ways That Content Marketing Improves Lead Generation Results 2

Complimentary White Paper
Prospecting for Gold Series
Seven Ways That Content Marketing Improves
Lead Generation Results

Thank you for your interest in this new white paper, Seven Ways That Content Marketing Improves Lead Generation Results, sponsored by WinGreen Marketing Systems.  We hope you'll find the information in this paper to be informative and useful to you. 
With the many different ways to generate sales leads available today, determining the best mix and the optimal areas for investment can be a challenge.
An exceptionally effective method of generating sales prospects is content marketing.  Content marketing involves the creation and promotion of compelling content that educates and informs readers about topics relevant to your products or services.  The use of email to promote your content puts your brand and your content offer right into the inboxes of your targets and induces them to identify themselves as interested.
In this white paper, the authors lay out seven ways that content marketing improves lead generation results.  Readers of Seven Ways That Content Marketing Improves Lead Generation Results, will learn the following:
  • The definition of content marketing
  • Seven different features of content marketing that enhance lead generation efforts
  • How to put content marketing to work for your organization
We hope you'll take a few minutes to learn more about WinGreen and our content marketing services by checking out the information on this website. If you're facing current challenges in finding new sales prospects, why not give us a call at 610-810-1707 for a free initial consultation?
WinGreen Marketing Systems

2011 FEB Sales Prospector's Essential Toolkit 2 -- WinGreen Marketing Systems

2011 FEB Sales Prospector's Essential Toolkit 2 -- WinGreen Marketing Systems

Complimentary White Paper
Thank you for your interest in our complimentary white paper, Content Marketing: The Sales Prospector's Essential Toolkit.
With marketers rushing to build their own modern lead generation capabilities, just like the 49ers rushed to California to claim their share of newly discovered gold, the need for effective prospecting is critical for many companies to survive.
This white paper is part of the 2011 Prospecting For Goldseries, sponsored by WinGreen Marketing Systems.  As the first part of the Prospector's Series of papers, it is an indispensable primer for your 2011 content marketing plan.
Request your copy of Content Marketing: The Sales Prospector's Essential Toolkit, and you'll learn: 
  • Why content marketing is an essential tool
  • How content marketing broadens your reach
  • How to narrow your target at the same time
  • The economics of content marketing
We hope you'll take a few minutes to learn more about WinGreen and our content marketing services by checking out the information on this website.  If you're facing current challenges in finding new sales prospects, why not give us a call at 610-810-1707 for a free initial consultation?
WinGreen Marketing Systems

The Seven Keys to Effective Marketing in 2012 Webinar

The Seven Keys to Effective Marketing in 2012 Webinar

A complimentary on-demand web broadcast for qualified professionals
The Seven Keys to Effective Marketing in 2012
Marketing Methods for Exploiting the Great Economic Recovery
Sponsored by:
WinGreen Marketing Systems andCenturion Marketing Services

View the on-demand webinar by registering here
With the great economic recovery of 2012 underway, and businesses' spending budgets growing, is your company in position to take its fair share (or more) of this year's expected growth in purchasing? Is your marketing organization utilizing the best of the new breed of marketing techniques and methods to reach your target buyers? Are your sales and marketing strategies in perfect alignment? Are marketing and sales enabled with the right tools and programs to allow them to effectively and efficiently grow your business?
Make sure your contact information is correct in the form to the right, then click SUBMIT. You'll be asked to confirm your email address, then your on-demand webinar will begin. You'll have full play, pause, rewind, and fast-forward controls to watch at your own convenience.
Viewers of this broadcast will learn:
  • Seven critical keys to successful marketing and demand generation in 2012
  • The newest marketing methods. How technology has turned marketing upside-down
  • Tools, tips, and techniques for using next-generation marketing methods to reach your targets
Don't miss this important webinar! Register now and pass along to a friend.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

What If Your CEO Asks "Why Should We Be Blogging?"

1. For years, you were OK approving ad budgets to put our words in print somewhere even though you couldn't measure it and had no idea what worked and what didn't. Now we can put our words in a place where a billion people can see them, and it doesn't cost a penny. Not only that, but we CAN measure if they're being seen, and we can measure the subsequent actions that take place as well.

2. For very little effort, relatively speaking, you can create an ever-expanding, ever-improving, ever-adapting, ever-fresh, ever-up-to-the-minute dialogue between the company and its potential buyers, potential employees, potential influencers, and potential partners. This dialogue can be one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-many, and many-to-one,for almost any given content or copy. This dialogue can deliver the company's value proposition, with or without requesting feedback. This dialogue can present the company's news. This dialogue can solicit input to product planning. This dialogue can create a community of people who may someday be people who refer new business to you. This dialogue can portray an image and culture of the company that appeals to the types of people you wish to employ.

3. When done and curated effectively, blogs get linked. When blogs get linked, two things happen: (1) your message gets to more people, and (2) your website gets link-backs that improve your Google search rankings, leading in turn to more visitors, leading in turn to more blog readers, leading in turn to more pass-alongs, referrals, and link-backs, and so on, and so on. The skeptic can say "yeah, that and a dollar will get you a cup of coffee", but haven't you ever made an important business connection, sale, or potential employment contact while getting yourself a cup of coffee?

4. Finally, in the words of the great "Bluto" Blutarski: "Go ahead. Don't cost nuthin'."