
Thursday, March 1, 2012

What If Your CEO Asks "Why Should We Be Blogging?"

1. For years, you were OK approving ad budgets to put our words in print somewhere even though you couldn't measure it and had no idea what worked and what didn't. Now we can put our words in a place where a billion people can see them, and it doesn't cost a penny. Not only that, but we CAN measure if they're being seen, and we can measure the subsequent actions that take place as well.

2. For very little effort, relatively speaking, you can create an ever-expanding, ever-improving, ever-adapting, ever-fresh, ever-up-to-the-minute dialogue between the company and its potential buyers, potential employees, potential influencers, and potential partners. This dialogue can be one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-many, and many-to-one,for almost any given content or copy. This dialogue can deliver the company's value proposition, with or without requesting feedback. This dialogue can present the company's news. This dialogue can solicit input to product planning. This dialogue can create a community of people who may someday be people who refer new business to you. This dialogue can portray an image and culture of the company that appeals to the types of people you wish to employ.

3. When done and curated effectively, blogs get linked. When blogs get linked, two things happen: (1) your message gets to more people, and (2) your website gets link-backs that improve your Google search rankings, leading in turn to more visitors, leading in turn to more blog readers, leading in turn to more pass-alongs, referrals, and link-backs, and so on, and so on. The skeptic can say "yeah, that and a dollar will get you a cup of coffee", but haven't you ever made an important business connection, sale, or potential employment contact while getting yourself a cup of coffee?

4. Finally, in the words of the great "Bluto" Blutarski: "Go ahead. Don't cost nuthin'."

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