
Monday, September 16, 2013

Tip #4 for Lead Nurturing: Use lead scoring to target highest potential leads

Use lead scoring to target highest potential leads

The more sophisticated lead generation systems have lead scoring in place for the initial capture of interested leads.  For example, a lead who has already downloaded two white papers and attended one webcast has a higher value than a lead who only requested one paper.  Scoring can be applied to the quality of the lead in terms of how well it matches “the perfect lead”.  For example, more lead score points can be attached when the lead is from the exact target industry, or a desirable ZIP code, or a decision-maker title.

With lead scores available, the lead nurturing program should leverage this data to deliver different drip emails to higher-scoring leads than to lower scoring leads. 

Also, during the weeks or months that a prospect is being nurtured, prior to being upgraded as a more qualified prospect, the prospect’s lead score should also be adjusted based on his or her behavior in receiving drip emails.  The previous section noted which items should be measured for the purpose of continuous improvement.  The same metrics should also be used for the purpose of adjusting prospects’ lead scores.

As a prospect opens each weekly drip email, perhaps the lead score will be increased by 100 points.  As they open an email and then click through to the website to learn more, they might earn another 500 points.  Of course, visiting subsequent web pages after arrival should be earning more lead score points anyway, so that activity also increases the score for a given prospect.  Finally, the prospect’s lead score should be decreased when he receives an email but doesn’t even open it.

With lead scoring at every phase of the marketing and sales process, sales people’s time is spent on the prospects who exhibit the highest probability of conversion and ultimate purchase.

Get the white paper, Top Five Rules for Using Lead Nurturing To Increase Sales, to learn all five tips for maximizing sales effectiveness. Click here to get your copy:

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