
Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Top Ten Reasons You Should Seriously Consider Outsourcing Your Content Marketing

Top Ten Reasons You Should Seriously Consider Outsourcing Your Content Marketing

  1. You probably can’t do it yourself (even though you know what it is, what systems you need, and what the components are).
  2. You don’t have the software platform.
  3. Even if you acquire marketing automation software, you probably don’t know how to quickly deploy cross-platform integration and the required degree of automation.
  4. You can’t generate enough content to sustain multiple campaigns per month, every month of every year.
  5. Your marketing people know how to write, but don’t have domain or technology depth to create compelling content.
  6. Your domain or technology experts know all about your products, your technologies, and how your customers use them, but aren’t capable writers.
  7. It’s no one’s job to author, copyedit, and set up 30+ white papers, 50+ original articles, and 20+ webcasts per year. (Corollary: Do you really want your top technical people spending up to 20% of their time writing marketing content?)
  8. The marketing staff gets pulled in many different directions throughout the year. “Fire drills” interrupt the schedules for content marketing campaigns.
  9. You probably don’t have access to 10,000 to 1,000,000 email addresses from your target market in order to promote content directly, and you probably don’t know how to find them.
  10. The modern techniques of online content marketing are still not taught in business schools, marketing curricula, or even professional training courses. There are very few individuals available in the job market with the required experience and know-how to build and run a complete “system of content marketing”. As a result, you have little resource to attack the previous nine items, and you’re faced with on-the-job training someone to build your system and methods for you.
Want to learn more about the features and benefits of outsourced content marketing? Get your complimentary copy of the white paper, Outsourced Content Marketing: Features and Benefits -- How Outsourcing Your Content Marketing Can Triple Your Sales Pipeline at 50% Lower Cost per Lead

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