
Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Why Content Marketing is an Essential Tool for Sales Prospecting

Why Content Marketing is an Essential Tool for Sales Prospecting

Successful marketing in today’s business-to-business environment requires a mix of tactics and methods. The modern marketing organization may have many functions within its scope, as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1.

While all of these functions are important to a company’s success, the overall objective of marketing is usually something like “Create an environment into which products can be sold most effectively”. When the mix is managed well, all of the components do their parts to support effective, productive, efficient selling by the sales organization.

Content marketing both leverages and supports multiple functions within the marketing mix.

Content marketing is an essential part of the sales prospector’s toolkit for a number of reasons: 
  1. Content marketing spans or touches all of the marketing functions 
  2. The economics of content marketing with email and Internet tools are literally orders of magnitude more attractive than those of legacy or traditional direct marketing 
  3. Content marketing allows marketers to expand reach both instantly and with almost no cost (e.g. expand marketing targets from Northeast United States to all United States) 
  4. Content marketing allows marketers to create precisely defined target segments to which to market. 
  5. Content marketing matches the new buyers’ paradigm, where marketing must be “non-interrupt”, buyers conduct most of their research and evaluation online without vendors’ involvement, and the buyer ultimately must “opt in” or agree to be sold to.
Learn more with the free white paper, Content Marketing: The Sales Prospector's Essential Toolkit.

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