
Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Why You Should Consider Outsourcing Your Content Marketing

Outsourcing the day-to-day content marketing function delivers many advantages and benefits. Here's a quick table showing the positive impact of outsourced content marketing.

Comprehensive, outsourced content marketing
ü Significant cost savings (25% to 50% lower cost than in-house content marketing; 50% to 80% less cost than in-house conventional lead generation)
ü See immediate results.  No ramp-up
ü Avoid hiring and training
ü Avoid software and hardware investment, configuration, administration
ü Fixed monthly retainer. No variable costs.
ü Flexibility. Scale up or down as needed.
Content marketing agency creates all content
ü No more slipped schedules
ü No more fire drills
ü No more mad scrambles for content
Content marketing agency uses its own software platform
ü No IT or software investment required
ü Pre-configured, ready to go
ü Massively scalable, infinitely flexible
Automated lead capture and real-time distribution to designated salespeople
ü No more spreadsheets
ü Conversion rates are improved through immediate call-back
ü Save time and labor in uploading and downloading contact information
Sales enablement tools
ü CRM provides “single view of the truth” for leads, prospects, contacts, and customers
ü SFA provides automation to manage sales workflow
Automated lead nurturing
ü Keep prospects alive and “warm” until they’re ready to purchase
Management views, dashboards, reporting
ü Accurate forecasts
ü Insight to sales activities and drivers
ü Measureable marketing
Visit to learn more about comprehensive outsourced content marketing. A smarter way to generate sales leads.

Content Marketing is Aligned With the Modern Buyer-Seller Paradigm

The seller-buyer relationship has shifted since the advent of the World Wide Web, and even more so since the advent of Google. Before 1993 (the invention of the WWW), sellers used to be able to promote their wares through “interrupt” marketing like advertising, cold calling, and even door-to-door selling because the buyer had no other way to engage in a buying process. Today’s buyers have Google and the entire World Wide Web at their fingertips, and the engagement process is driven by them, not by sellers any more.

The new seller-buyer paradigm looks more like this:

  • The vast majority of purchase decisions begin with a Google search
  • The seller-buyer power relationship has been upended completely. The traditional marketing assumption that the seller must find buyers has been replaced by a new model where the buyer has all the power, all the information at his fingertips, and will find the seller before the seller finds him
  • The willingness to be sold to has decreased to almost zero, while the desire and ability to actively research sellers and choose who may “be invited to” sell has become the norm.
Content marketing is aligned with the new seller-buyer paradigm. It doesn’t interrupt with an advertisement or telemarketer’s call. It doesn’t rely on a prospective buyer getting on an airplane to travel to a trade show. And when done correctly, it delivers the “right information” to the “right target” at the “right time” (i.e. when they are beginning their evaluation on the Web rather than when they’re already selecting vendors)

Learn more in the white paper, Seven Ways That Content Marketing Improves Lead Generation Results, available in the WinGreen Marketing Systems Resource Center at

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Using White Papers as the Foundation of Your Content Marketing Program

White papers are extremely effective when used as marketing premiums in content marketing campaigns. The ideal white paper for content marketing purposes should be about 2500 to 5000 words in length.  Topics should be related to the products the paper is intended to support.  For example, if your company sells network security software, your
Siemens white papers authored by WinGreen Marketing Systems
white papers should present interesting topics – but never sales pitches – about the benefits of securing networks, the financial returns to be expected from better security, and perhaps tips and techniques for assessing security.  The objective of the white paper offer, as with all content marketing offers, is to uncover new prospects for your products by finding people who are interested enough in topics related to your products to take the time to fill in a form and identify themselves to you in return for the interesting content you’ve offered.