
Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Why You Should Consider Outsourcing Your Content Marketing

Outsourcing the day-to-day content marketing function delivers many advantages and benefits. Here's a quick table showing the positive impact of outsourced content marketing.

Comprehensive, outsourced content marketing
ü Significant cost savings (25% to 50% lower cost than in-house content marketing; 50% to 80% less cost than in-house conventional lead generation)
ü See immediate results.  No ramp-up
ü Avoid hiring and training
ü Avoid software and hardware investment, configuration, administration
ü Fixed monthly retainer. No variable costs.
ü Flexibility. Scale up or down as needed.
Content marketing agency creates all content
ü No more slipped schedules
ü No more fire drills
ü No more mad scrambles for content
Content marketing agency uses its own software platform
ü No IT or software investment required
ü Pre-configured, ready to go
ü Massively scalable, infinitely flexible
Automated lead capture and real-time distribution to designated salespeople
ü No more spreadsheets
ü Conversion rates are improved through immediate call-back
ü Save time and labor in uploading and downloading contact information
Sales enablement tools
ü CRM provides “single view of the truth” for leads, prospects, contacts, and customers
ü SFA provides automation to manage sales workflow
Automated lead nurturing
ü Keep prospects alive and “warm” until they’re ready to purchase
Management views, dashboards, reporting
ü Accurate forecasts
ü Insight to sales activities and drivers
ü Measureable marketing
Visit to learn more about comprehensive outsourced content marketing. A smarter way to generate sales leads.

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