
Thursday, July 11, 2013

Using White Papers as the Foundation of Your Content Marketing Program

White papers are extremely effective when used as marketing premiums in content marketing campaigns. The ideal white paper for content marketing purposes should be about 2500 to 5000 words in length.  Topics should be related to the products the paper is intended to support.  For example, if your company sells network security software, your
Siemens white papers authored by WinGreen Marketing Systems
white papers should present interesting topics – but never sales pitches – about the benefits of securing networks, the financial returns to be expected from better security, and perhaps tips and techniques for assessing security.  The objective of the white paper offer, as with all content marketing offers, is to uncover new prospects for your products by finding people who are interested enough in topics related to your products to take the time to fill in a form and identify themselves to you in return for the interesting content you’ve offered.

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